Sump Pump Drainage
The rain has stopped but we are still receiving very high flows at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. If you have a sump pump in your house, please remember this can not be pumped into the City’s sewer system. Any hoses leading to a drain in your house should be disconnected immediately.
Please place the hose so that the water from your sump pump drains away from your house, preferably onto a grassy area or non-paved surface and is absorbed on your property.
DO NOT place the hose so that water from your sump pump drains:
- Into the floor drain in your home
- Into manholes on your property or on the street
- Onto neighbouring properties
- Onto streets, lanes, sidewalks or boulevards
Contact Us
City Hall
97 Saskatchewan Ave E
Portage la Prairie, MB
R1N 0L8
Phone: 204-239-8309
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