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Snow Clearing Information for Citizens

Routine Snow Clearing

The City of Portage la Prairie reminds citizens that routine snow clearing takes place on the day after garbage collection when snow accumulation has met set standards.

By-Law No.20-8705 states: “From November 1 to April 30 in each year Parking on Streets shall be limited for routine snow clearing. During this period no Person shall Park a Vehicle on any portion of a Street on the Business Day following residential garbage collection for that Street until such time as the employees or contractors acting on behalf of the Municipality have completed snow clearing for the said Street.”

Parking in violation of the By-law is subject to a fine.

Our city crews work as fast as possible to remove snow from the streets, but unfortunately, parked cars can get in our way.  If we have to tow some cars to make winter driving safe for everyone, we will, but we would rather not.  So please, to avoid having your car towed, you should not park on the street during snow clearing operations.

Driveway Snow Clearing

Snow being blown, shoveled or pushed onto City Streets is not permitted.  All residents should adhere to City of Portage la Prairie Traffic By-Law No. 20-8705 which states: “It shall be an offence for any Person to remove from any Private Property, public property, Street, Boulevard or Sidewalk any snow or ice and deposit same on any Street, Boulevard, parking lot, public place, or Sidewalk in such a manner that could negatively impact drainage, or create a hazardous condition for either vehicular or Pedestrian traffic, or otherwise impede the snow removal efforts of the City or Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation.”

Sidewalk Snow Clearing

Reminder to Business Owner/Operators

By-Law No. 20-8705 states: “before 10:00 hours each day, following every fall of snow, hail or rain which shall have frozen on the Sidewalk, or after a fall of snow or ice off any building, cause the same to be removed entirely off the Sidewalk fronting or abutting the premises and in the event the ice or snow shall be so frozen that removal would damage the Sidewalks, every such Person shall strew the Sidewalk with salt, sand or other like substances.”

Major Snowfall Parking Ban

The Mayor may declare a citywide parking ban in the event of a major snowstorm.  This ban will prohibit parking on any city street for as many days as the ban is in effect.  This will enable crews to clear the streets as quickly and efficiently as possible.  The ban may last up to several days.

204-857-PARK (204-857-7275)

If a citywide parking ban is declared, it will be advertised on the radio and in the newspaper (if time permits).  There will also be signs placed around the City stating whether or not the ban is in effect.  As well, you may call 204-857-7275 for a recorded message on the status of the ban.

Ticket and Tow

If your car is parked on any street during a citywide parking ban, it will be ticketed, at a cost outlined in the current Fees and Charges Schedule.  As well, your vehicle could be towed to the nearest cleared street.

Better Driving for All

We want to react to snowfall and clear the streets quickly.  With the streets clear, roads will be less congested and drivers will be able to reach their destination easily and safely.  By listening for messages and watching for the signs, you’ll be ensuring trouble-free, easy winter driving for everyone.

For more information please telephone the Operations Department at 204-239-8346.

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