Routine snow clearing takes place on the day after garbage collection when snow accumulation has met set standards. The work shall only be carried out if the accumulated snow pack is in excess of 6 centimeters or there are dangerous conditions present due to snow ridges around parked vehicles or ice conditions are present at intersections.
By-Law No.20-8705 states: “From November 1 to April 30 in each year Parking on Streets shall be limited for routine snow clearing. During this period no Person shall Park a Vehicle on any portion of a Street on the Business Day following residential garbage collection for that Street, until such time as the employees or contractors acting on behalf of the Municipality have completed snow clearing for the said Street.”
Parking in violation of the By-law is subject to a fine. Our city crews work as fast as possible to remove snow from the streets, but unfortunately, parked cars can get in our way. If we have to tow some cars to make winter driving safe for everyone, we will, but we would rather not. So please, to avoid having your car towed, you should not park on the street during snow clearing operations.