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Residents may deliver waste to the Portage la Prairie Regional Landfill site located 12 km north of the City on PR 240 and 15 km east on PR 227. Effective January 1, 2025, Tipping Fees of $65.00 per metric tonne apply to all City Residents and all Commercial Users within the RM of Portage.  Tipping Fees for all users outside the Rural Municipality are $120.00 per metric tonne. A $10 per metric tonne provincial Waste Reduction and Recycling Support Levy has applied to most waste deposited in the landfill.

  • All vehicles hauling in waste are weighed and the tipping fees are applied in accordance with rates set by the Board. See the 2025 Landfill Fees & Charges.
  • The Landfill will be enforcing a $250.00 penalty for untarped and unsecured loads.
  • Prohibited Waste – The site is prohibited from receiving hazardous wastes (ex. oil, flammable products, chemicals of any kind)
  • There is no trespassing and no hunting allowed on the Landfill site. Your cooperation in helping to keep the customers and staff of the Landfill safe is appreciated.


See below for additional landfill information.

  • November 1 to March 31 – Monday to Saturday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
  • April 1 to October 31 – Monday to Saturday, 8:30 am to 6:00 pm
  • Closed Sundays & All Statutory Holidays

The Portage la Prairie Landfill Site at SW 22-13-5 on PR road #227 was established by the Municipality of Portage la Prairie in 1988. In 1991 the City of Portage la Prairie joined operation at this site. This is a Class 1 waste disposal facility currently operated by a joint Board of Directors appointed by the City of Portage la Prairie and the Municipality of Portage la Prairie.

The Landfill Site services the City and Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie, the Municipality of Norfolk Treherne, the Municipality of Woodlands and two First Nations communities. The mandate of the Board is to operate the facility in a self-sustaining manner and in management acknowledges their responsibility in the protection and 
enhancement of the environment. This site provides for the disposal of household, commercial and industrial waste for the communities it serves.

The Portage la Prairie Regional Landfill Authority operates the development as a Class 1 Waste Disposal Ground pursuant to regulations under the Environment Act, Manitoba Regulation 37/2016 and Environment Act Licence No. 3278.

Terrie Porter (Chair), Doug McAuley (Vice-Chair), Preston Meier, Ryan Espey, Roy Tufford, and Garth Asham

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