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See below for a list of frequently asked questions regarding City of Portage la Prairie services and programs.

What are the hours of operation for Animal Control?  

There is animal control coverage from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday to Friday with someone on call after hours and on weekends. Should an emergency occur after hours please call the Animal Control / Bylaw Enforcement line at 204-239-8326. Someone will assess the situation and determine if the Animal Control Officer will be dispatched.

Where can I get a dog/cat license? 

Dog/cat licenses can be applied for at City Hall, 97 Saskatchewan Avenue E or online at Pet License Application. A record of current vaccination from your vet will be required in order to obtain one.

Do I have to buy a dog/cat license? 

Yes. As per the City of Portage la Prairie Animal Control By-Law, any dog older than six months that is being kept within City limits must have a City-issued license. Licensing fees are outlined in the Fees & Charges schedule on our Bylaws Page. Pet licenses may be obtained at City Hall or you can complete the Pet License Application online.

Who should I contact if I lose my pet? 

You should phone the Portage la Prairie Animal Control Officer (ACO) at 204-239-8326 and let them know what your pet looks like.  Pets should be licensed, and if possible tattooed for easy identification. Make sure your pet is wearing its license at all times. Pictures of animals currently in the Animal Retention Facility are posted on the City of Portage la Prairie Animal Control Website

What should I do if I found a stray animal? 

If you have found a lost pet, use our Pet Owner Search to find the pet's owner. Simply key in the pet's tag number. If the pet has a tattoo number, you can try that also. Click on the "Search" button to perform your search.

Who should I contact regarding a neighbor whose pet is defecating in my yard, rummaging through garbage, roaming freely, or barking excessively?

Your first step should be to talk to your neighbor. Politely explain how their pet's behavior is affecting you and try to resolve the issue directly. If the problem continues, report the situation to the Animal Control Officer by providing the neighbor's name, a description of the dog, and their home address, if known, at 204-239-8326.

My pet has been impounded. How do I get it back?

To reclaim your pet, contact the City of Portage la Prairie’s Animal Control Officer at 204-239-8326. You will need to provide proof of ownership and pay any outstanding penalties, fines, or fees related to your pet under the City’s Animal Control By-Law or for violations of this By-Law.

Can I visit the Animal Retention Facility to check if my pet is there?

To arrange a visit to the Animal Retention Facility, contact the Animal Control Officer at 204-239-8326. You can also view pictures of animals currently in the Animal Retention Facility on the City of Portage la Prairie Animal Control website by selecting the "dogs" or "cats" tab.

How long are animals held at the Animal Retention Facility? What happens next? 

Animals are held for a three-day impoundment period. Following the impoundment period, animals are offered to an animal shelter or rescue organization like the Portage Animal Welfare Society (PAWS).  Animals may also be offered for adoption directly from the City’s Animal Retention Facility.

Will unclaimed animals be euthanized? 

Although Animal Control does everything possible to find suitable accommodations for unclaimed animals through adoption and shelter/rescue placement, there is the possibility that animals could be euthanized due to health, temperament, and/or lack of placement options.

What complaints will Animal Control Officers investigate?  

Animal Control Officers typically investigate complaints related to excessive barking, dog bites or attacks, pets without a license, dogs or cats at large, failure to clean up pet defecation

How are pet-related complaints investigated? 

Animal Control officers investigate complaints by interviewing witnesses, neighbors, complainants and pet owners. When possible, the officer also collects other evidence.  Any investigation can result in a simple warning, a fine or mandatory court appearance.

When can an Animal Control Officer seize an animal? 

Animal Control Officers can seize animals that are found at-large within the City of Portage la Prairie limits or that the Provincial Court has ordered them to seize them.

Who should I call if an animal is being abused? 

Contact the Provincial Animal Care line if you suspect an Animal is…

  • lacking adequate food and water
  • exposed to extreme cold or heat
  • not provided with suitable medical attention if wounded or ill
  • confined in an area of insufficient space
  • kept in unsanitary conditions
  • confined without adequate ventilation
  • not allowed an opportunity for sufficient exercise
  • suffering, seriously injured or in extreme anxiety or distress
  • An unlicensed breeding operation or kennel.

Phone Number: 204-945-8000 / Toll Free: 1-888-945-8001  /  Monitored 7 days a week  /  E-mail: All reports are kept strictly confidential. The names of individuals who report animal welfare concerns will not be disclosed.

What are the possible fines for violating City of Portage la Prairie Bylaw? Common fines are:

  • Excessive barking – ​$130 first offence $280 second offence $530 third offence (within 12 months of first and second offence)
  • Owning an unlicensed pet – ​​$130 first offence $280 second offence $530 third offence (within 12 months of first and second offence)
  • Animal at large – ​$130 first offence $280 second offence $530 third offence (within 12 months of first and second offence)
  • Failure to remove defecation – ​$130 first offence $280 second offence $530 third offence (within 12 months of first and second offence)
  • Failure to control or leash dog -​$130 first offence $280 second offence $530 third offence (within 12 months of first and second offence)
  • Dog attack causing no injury – ​$130 first offence $280 second offence $530 third offence (within 12 months of first and second offence)
  • Dog attack causing injury – ​​$130 first offence $280 second offence $530 third offence (within 12 months of first and second offence)

Can I own a dangerous dog in City of Portage la Prairie? 

Yes, as long as all bylaws are followed.

I have a skunk in my yard, who do I call?

Call Skunk Control at 204-239-8340

There are mice/rats in the yard, possibly coming from a neighbouring yard, who do I contact?

This is a Public Health issue. Contact the Public Health Inspector at 25 Tupper St N, or call 204-239-3740.

Where can I drop off my resume / job application?

Applications can be dropped off at City Hall reception, 97 Saskatchewan Ave. E. Applications forms can be picked up at City Hall or downloaded here: City of Portage la Prairie Employment Application Form

When can I submit my resume / job application?

The City accepts resumes/applications only when there is an advertised job opening.

What type of employment is available with the City?

The City has four major departments: Administration, Finance, Operations (includes Engineering, Parks, Public Works, Water Treatment and Waste Water Treatment), Public Safety (Fire).

How many bags of garbage can I put out for curb side pick up?

There is a two bag/can limit on the amount of solid waste that will be picked up from the curb each collection day. Anything over that amount must have a Solid Waste Collection Tag affixed

Where can I buy Solid Waste Collection Tags?

These tags can be purchased from all corner stores (except 7-11), all grocery stores, MCC, City Hall and the Operations Department.

Can I bring my recycling to the Landfill?

No. The City has curbside pickup for recycling. Please check pickup schedule to see when your pickup is scheduled. If you miss the pickup you can take your recycling to the Portage & District Recycling Depot at 700 Phillips Street. For more information you can call Portage & District Recycling at (204) 856-55200.

Can I bring my yard waste to the Landfill?

No. The City of Portage la Prairie has a free compost site located adjacent to the Operations Department. We accept grass clippings, garden waste and leaves at the compost site. Branches are not accepted in the compost pile as it takes too long to break down.

Can I bring my used oil or antifreeze to the Landfill?

No. Portage & District Recycling accepts used oil. Antifreeze is also accepted. For more information, please call Portage & District Recycling at (204) 856-5520 or visit their website at

I don’t live in the City of Portage la Prairie. Can I still bring my garbage there?

The Portage la Prairie Landfill facility accepts garbage from the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie as well as the City of Portage la Prairie.

The mosquito control program is based on an environmentally mindful insect control approach which includes reducing standing water, larviciding, and fogging.  The larviciding program is 100% biological, standing water areas are monitored and treated based on weather conditions.  If nuisance mosquito fogging is warranted, the program will be carried out using Delta Gard 20EW.

When will fogging for nuisance mosquitoes occur?
Fogging will be initiated when the requirements of the City policy, the Adulticide Factor Analysis (AFA) guidelines, and the Provincial Pesticide Use Permit are met.  Fogging will take place between the hours of 9pm and 6am after a 48 hour public notification period. Factors considered include soil moisture and precipitation conditions, current and forecasted temperatures, monitoring of larval development sights, and increasing mosquito counts in the traps.

What about West Nile Virus?
When Manitoba Health identifies a risk for West Nile Virus they may issue a health order.  In this case, the Province initiates fogging.  For more information see

What weather conditions are required for fogging to happen?
The air temperature must be above 15 degrees Celsius, as many species are not active at temperatures lower than this. Fogging ceases or does not occur if wind speeds are too high (12km/h) and not conducive for effective nuisance adult mosquito control. Fogging does not occur if there are or have been significant amounts of precipitation. However, treatment may resume a half hour to one hour after a short thunderstorm and light rainfall if there is no evidence of additional precipitation events occurring. In the case where weather conditions are not suitable, fogging will be delayed until the next night.

How do I register for a buffer zone?
Residents may register at the Operations Department if they wish to be excluded from fogging on their property.  A no-fog zone of ninety (90) metres in diameter from the subject property will be established for residents that register their property.

What speed do the vehicles use to fog?
To apply the insecticide at safe and recommended levels the City of Portage la Prairie uses the manufacturer’s guidelines for the speed of our fogging vehicles.  We use the same application rate in all areas of the city. The machine has a ground-based sensor that automatically adjusts the rate of application to the speed of the vehicle, but trucks typically travel at speeds less than 35 Km per hour when spraying.

What can the public do?
Residents can reduce standing water that may collect in their backyard, including old tires, wading pools, stagnant ponds, bird baths, pet bowls or in flower pots. Residents can protect themselves through the following activities:

  • Using an appropriate mosquito repellent as per label directions.
  • Mowing long grass will reduce resting sites for the adult mosquitoes.
  • Reducing the amount of time spent outdoors between dusk and dawn.
  • Wearing loose fitting clothing, light coloured, long sleeve tops and long pants when outdoors.
  • Making sure that door and window screens fit tightly and are free of holes.

Does fogging affect other insects?
The current pesticides used for fogging are not target-specific and predatory. Non-threatening insects will be affected.  However, fogging takes place at night when many other beneficial insects are not active. For more information on DeltaGard 20EW see:

Does the City fog pathways or back lanes?
No, the City’s fogging equipment is not suitable for accessing pathways.  In addition, spraying near waterways is not allowed as the pesticide used is toxic to fish.  Most back lanes are not suitable for fogging as they are narrow, unpaved and have many tall fences that make the dispersal of the pesticide ineffective.  Fogging from the street allows the best overall coverage for most properties.

I have questions about the new Downtown Parking Strategy. Where do I go for answers? 

Visit our Downtown Parking Strategy webpage. This page includes Frequently Asked Questions, maps and informational videos related to our new parking strategy.  Check back often as this site will updated regularly.

If I have a question about abandoned vehicles or RVs/trucks/trailers parked on my street, who should I contact?

Please contact By-law Enforcement at (204) 239-8326.

How do I pay a parking ticket? 

You may pay your ticket in person at City Hall located at 97 Saskatchewan Avenue East.  City Hall also has a drop box at the east front doors.  You may pay through direct payment & e-payment options with Telepay or pay on-line via credit card by using Pay Simply at Please note there is a 2.5% fee paid by the customer for this service and payments can take 3 – 5 days to process. You can also pay via Interac e-transfer using the email Enter the violation or ticket number located on the top right of the ticket (ie: Ticket 142690 or Violation AC2020000014 into the message field (Interac e-Transfer Instructions).

I received a parking ticket but I am not sure what I did wrong. How can I find out?

Please contact By-law Enforcement at (204) 239-8326.

Who issues parking tickets?

The City’s By-law Enforcement Officers, Designated Employee, and the RCMP are the only authorities who can issue parking tickets in the City of Portage la Prairie.

If I feel that I have received a parking ticket in error, what do I do?

Please contact By-law Enforcement at (204) 239-8326.

If I disagree with a parking ticket, what can I do about it?

A person who wishes to dispute a parking violation can do so by contacting the City of Portage la Prairie. The City appointed Screening Officer will review the case and determine if the penalty should be upheld, cancelled or in some cases varied. To have your ticket reviewed by the screening officer please fill out the Request for Review form and drop it off to City Hall or email More information can be found here Dispute a Parking Violation Ticket

If I disagree with a City Traffic or Parking by-law that is enforced by a parking ticket, what should I do?

Please submit to City Council, in writing, a request to change the By–law. The needs of the City change from year to year and policy direction occurs at Council level.

Are these actual tickets, like you get from the Police?

Yes. The By-law Enforcement Officers and Designated Employee have the same authority as the RCMP in issuing offence notices (tickets) and summons pertaining to parking violations.

Where do I apply for a business licence?
At City Hall, located at 97 Saskatchewan Avenue E.

Do I need a Business Licence if I am located in a Commercial District?
No. However, there are several designations for Commercial which specify the type of business permitted in those designations. It is recommended that you contact the Portage la Prairie Planning District to find out if the area in which you wish to locate permits the type of business you want to open. They can be reached at (204) 239-8345 or visit their website at

Do I need a Business Licence if I am a contractor from outside the City?
Yes, Business Licences can be obtained at City Hall.

Where do I find information on Development Plan/Zoning and Building/Plumbing permits?
At the Portage la Prairie Planning District, 800 Saskatchewan Ave. W. or call (204) 239-8345 or

Where can I obtain an alarm permit?
You can obtain a permit at City Hall located at 97 Saskatchewan Avenue E. Please call (204) 239-8310 for more information.

Do I need a garage sale licence?
You no longer need to register your garage sale or get a garage sale license at City Hall. You are not to exceed the maximum of 2 garage sales per year, 3 days in length each. There is a $100 fine for exceeding these limits. All signs and advertising material must be removed within 24 hrs after completion of the sale. For signs and advertising not removed, there is a $20 per sign fine to the property owner.

I want to build a fence – who should I contact?
Portage la Prairie Planning District, 800 Saskatchewan Ave. W., or call (204) 239-8345. Website:

Where do I obtain a fire pit permit?
Please contact the Fire Department at (204) 239-8340 or visit them at 124 3rd Street N.E.

Where do I obtain an electrical permit?
Manitoba Hydro, 50 14th Street NE

I want to install a sign on my business – who do I contact?

You can contact the Portage Planning District at 204-239-8345 or check out their website at

Can I put a sandwich board sign outside of my business?

Section 3.10 (11) of The City of Portage la Prairie Zoning By-law addresses Sandwich Board Signs. You can contact the Portage Planning District at 204-239-8345 or check out their website at

I want to rent a mobile sign to advertise my business – do I need a permit?

Section 3.10(10) of the City of Portage la Prairie Zoning By-law addresses mobile signs. You can also contact the Portage Planning District at 204-239-8345 or check out their website at

I want a no parking sign put up outside of my business – who do I contact?

A request for a no parking sign should come in writing addressed to Mayor and Council. It is to be sent to the City of Portage la Prairie, 97 Saskatchewan Ave. E., Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0L8. It can also be send via email to

I saw a sign down on the boulevard, road etc – who do I contact?

You can call By-law Enforcement at 204-239-8326.

I am planning on running in the next municipal, provincial, federal election and want to put up signs – what are the regulations?

The City of Portage la Prairie passed Election Sign By-law 11-8517 in 2011. This by-law is listed on our website found here By-Laws. For more info you can contact the Administration office at 204-238-8337.


Every occupant, and in case there is no occupant, the owner or Person having charge or care of every business premises (hereinafter in this clause called the premises) fronting or abutting on any Street or public place within the City shall:

  1. before 10:00 hours each day, following every fall of snow, hail or rain which shall have frozen on the Sidewalk, or after a fall of snow or ice off any building, cause the same to be removed entirely off the Sidewalk fronting or abutting the premises and in the event the ice or snow shall be so frozen that removal would damage the Sidewalks, every such Person shall strew the Sidewalk with salt, sand or other like substances.
  2. before 10:00 hours each day, remove from the Sidewalk fronting or abutting the premises all dirt and other obstructions.
  3. if said snow, ice, dirt or other obstruction has not been removed as set out in subsections a) and b), the Manager of Public Works of the City of Portage la Prairie may cause such ice, dirt or obstruction to be removed at the expense of the owner in default and shall file with the Director of Finance of the City of Portage la Prairie, at the end of each month, a statement showing the sums expended by the City for such work and the Director of Finance shall thereupon cause the sums so expended to be charged against each respective lot or parcel of land on the tax roll next prepared thereafter, and the same may be recovered by the City in the same manner as other municipal taxes.


  1. It shall be an offence for any Person to remove from any Private Property, public property, Street, Boulevard or Sidewalk any snow or ice and deposit same on any Street, Boulevard, parking lot, public place, or Sidewalk in such a manner that could negatively impact drainage, or create a hazardous condition for either vehicular or Pedestrian traffic, or otherwise impede the snow removal efforts of the City or Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation. [AM by By-Law 10-8474 – Res #73/10]
  2. Subsection a) shall not apply to the City, the Department of Highways, their agents or employees who are actively engaged in snow removal from Streets, Boulevards or Sidewalks in the course of their employment or fulfillment of contract.
  3. Any Person occupying a property where a building abuts the property line adjacent to a Street in such a manner that snow cannot be cleared onto the property may pile the snow at the Curb line of the Street in such a manner that both vehicular and Pedestrian traffic can pass only if a hazardous condition is not created when snow is piled in this manner.

When are tax bills sent out?

Tax bills are mailed out in late May of each year.

When are taxes due?

Taxes are due on the last business day in July of each year.

What period does my tax bill cover?

City of Portage la Prairie tax bills cover the calendar year (January 1 – December 31).

When is the deadline to apply for TIPP (Tax Installment Payment Plan)?

Applications to start the plan the following year will be received up to December 15. However, you may apply to join TIPP after the January 15th instalment but prior to June 30th, with an initial payment of the missed instalments paid at the time of application. If you have any further questions about the Tax Instalment Payment Plan (TIPP), please call (204) 239-8308, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

What is the penalty for paying taxes after the deadline?

1.25% per month is the penalty for paying late.

Are there any service charges to be on TIPP?

No, there are no service charges to be on this program.

If I sell my property & pay my property taxes through TIPP, what do I need to do?

The City requires notification to cancel your TIPP payments. You can notify the City that you have sold your property or wish to stop payments by filling out a form at City Hall, fill out a cancellation online form here or email the tax clerk at

Can I pay my property taxes online?

Yes, you can pay your property taxes online through your bank’s website. You will have to add the City of Portage la Prairie as a payee. When you search “City of Portage la Prairie”, there are usually different account types: Taxes & Utilities.

Does the City accept post-dated cheques or credit cards for payment of property taxes?

The City will accept post-dated cheques, however, receipts will not be mailed. A receipt can be re-printed upon request and picked up at City Hall. Please note that cheques must be dated appropriately to avoid penalties. Credit Cards payments are accepted online only by using Pay Simply at Please note, there is a 2.5% fee paid by the customer for this service. Payments may take 3-5 days to process.

I recently built a new home and have not received a property tax bill. When can I expect a bill?

New homes are typically sent a supplementary tax bill. Supplementary tax bills are mailed out the first week of August and due the last business day in November. Depending on the completion date of your home and/or if the home has been assessed, you may receive a tax bill for both the previous and current years.

How do I change my name on my property tax bill?

If you would like to change your name or mailing address on your tax bill or assessment notice, please forward the information to the City of Portage la Prairie. Please note, the actual registered name will not change until the title to the property is changed at the Portage la Prairie Land Titles Office (PLTO). Portage la Prairie Titles Office is located at: 25 Tupper St. N., Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3K1 Phone: (204) 239-3306.

I recently purchased my home and never received a property tax bill. Am I responsible for the property taxes?

New property owners are responsible for payment of property taxes whether or not they received a notice. Any property owner who does not receive a tax statement should contact the City Tax Clerk by calling(204) 239-8308 or by emailing Failure to receive a tax notice is not sufficient reason for late payment or non-payment; penalties will be applied.

I am paying for my property taxes through my mortgage. How do I know that my bank/mortgage company received notification of the amount owing?

If your property tax account shows a recorded interest amount from your bank/mortgage company, they received the amount owing in May.

I received a tax bill for a property I no longer own. What should I do?

If you no longer own the property, please forward the tax notice to the current property owner or advise the City of Portage la Prairie office at (204) 239-8308 or by e-mail at


What methods of payment do you accept for utility bills?

We accept cash, cheque, debit and online payments for utility bills. For online payments, it must be done through your bank’s website. You will have to add the City of Portage la Prairie as a payee. When you search “Portage la Prairie”, there are usually three different account types: Taxes, Utilities, and General. Be sure to select Utilities, and you will be asked to enter your 14-digit utility account number.


What is a water main break?

Water mains generally exist beneath the roadway and supply potable water to the homes and buildings located next to the street through the water service.

What causes water main breaks?

Sudden fluctuation in temperature can cause water main breaks as the ground swells and contracts, putting pressure on the water pipes, potentially causing weaker pipes to break.

How can I tell if there is a water main break?

There may be water coming through the cracks in the pavement or your property may be flooding.

Who should I call to report a water main break?

To report surface water flowing down the street, immediately contact the City of Portage Operations Department at 204-239-8346 during business hours or 204-239-8340 after hours or weekends. An employee will attend to the break as soon as resources allow, determine the cause of the problem an initiate corrective action.

Will you notify me if you need to turn off the water immediately, to repair a water main in my area?

If the break is deemed an emergency, there may not be time to notify residents or businesses. The water must be contained as quickly as possible otherwise local flooding can occur. However, the waterworks crew will make their best attempt to notify homeowners or businesses if possible.

How can I find out if there is a water main repair in my area?

Information may be found on the City of Portage la Prairie website at, and the City of Portage la Prairie Facebook and Twitter pages.  Push notifications will also be sent out via our mobile app & Connect Portage.

How are water main breaks repaired?

For most water main breaks, excavations are required to find the source of the problem. Depending on the type of break that has occurred, the pipe/hubs may have to be cut out and replaced with new pipe. Repair clamps may be used as well.

How long does it take to repair a water main break?

Estimating repair time is hard because of many variables, including locating the leak, difficulty and location of the excavation, complication of the break.

Why has no one come to fix the water main yet?

If the break is deemed minor, priority will be given to more serious breaks based on the probability for damage or hardship.

Will I be notified of a planned water service interruption?

The City of Portage la Prairie Operations Department will notify all affected residents by a letter in the mailbox, and on the City of Portage la Prairie website, Facebook and Twitter pages.

How can I prepare when my water is turned off?

Before the water service interruption, residents may store extra water in the fridge, store containers of water for use to flush toilets.

Does the City of Portage la Prairie provide containers of water, bottled water, or funds to purchase bottled water?

The City of Portage la Prairie does not provide containers of water, bottled water or funds to purchase these items.

Will I notice anything different about my water after you repair water main break?

Water may be discoloured after a water main repair. Run the COLD water for a few minutes until discolouration disappears. Do not use hot water as it may draw pipe sediment into your hot water tank.

Is my water safe to drink after repair?

If the water supply has been shut off, the water supply will require quality testing to ensure it is safe to drink. The City of Portage la Prairie will have delivered a boil water advisory notice to your residence. Please follow the information on the notice for further instructions.

If my property is flooding, how can I protect my belongings?

If there is a floor drain in your basement, make sure it is not obstructed. Take whatever action you can to protect your property from further damage. Keep any damaged property or belongings available for inspection. Contact your insurance provider to ensure you are protected by your property insurance policy.

Who do I contact to determine where my water lines are in my yard?

You may contact the Operations Department at (204) 239-8346.

I live in the RM/City and don’t have City Water. How do I get it or who should I speak to?

If you live in the RM you should contact the RM office at 204-857-3821. If you live within City boundaries you should submit your request in writing to City Council.


I have a plugged sewer, what should I do?

Call a plumber immediately then contact the Operations Department at 204-239-8346 if you feel the plug originated from City property.

What causes a sewer back-up?

Most sewer back-ups occur due to a blockage in the service line or an overload of the system due to excess rain or run-off.

What is the service line?

The service line is the underground pipe that runs from your building to the City sewer main. The service line crosses both your property and the City boulevard to connect to the City sewer main. Cleaning of the service line is the responsibility of the property owner.

What is the City sewer main?

The City’s sewer main exists beneath the roadways, collecting waste from the service line and transporting waste to the City’s waste water treatment facility.

What can I do to help prevent the service line from plugging?

Be careful of what is placed in the sewer. Do not dispose of grease, facial tissue, feminine hygiene products, paper towels, stringy material, cigarette filters, prophylactics or other non-degradable products down the sewer.

What should I do to protect my property and belongings from a sewer back-up?

Have a plumbing contractor install a backwater valve in the sewer line in your basement.

What should I do in the event of a sewer back-up?

Please contact a private plumber. Any related expenses will be your responsibility. If the plumber determines the blockage is in the City’s sewer main, the plumber will contact the City to remove the blockage from the main.

What should I do to protect my property and belongings in the event of a sewer backup?

Do not flush or run any water until the sewer is cleaned and draining. Take whatever action you can to protect your property from further damage. Keep any damaged property or belongings available for inspection and take photos if possible.


What should I do if my pipes are frozen?

Contact a plumbing contractor to thaw the lines. If the contractor is unsuccessful in thawing the lines, contact the City of Portage Operations Department at (204) 239-8346 during business hours or (204) 239-8340 after hours or on weekends.

What causes the pipes to freeze?

There are several causes. One may be inadequate air flow where the piping is located in the home. Another reason is extended winter temperatures that cause the frost level to push further into the ground.

How does the City address frozen water pipes?

The City waterworks crew will look at all reported incidents and address them on a priority basis.

How long does it take to thaw water pipes?

Thaw time for water pipes can run between 1 hour to 12 hours.

Should I be running my water to prevent frozen pipes?

Do not run your water unless instructed to by City staff.  If instructed by City staff, leave a tap in your home open and run water at a constant drizzle – approximately the width of a pencil – to prevent lines from re-freezing, until further notice.

Benches – I want to purchase a bench in memory of a loved one. Contact the Operations Department at 204-239-8346.

Insurance – Where do I make an insurance claim because I feel the city may be liable (ie: property damage, sewer backup, etc.) You should notify your insurance provider who will then contact the City. The City will then forward information to our insurance provider. If you don’t have insurance, you must provide details in writing which will be forwarded to the City’s insurance agency for consideration. See brochure for additional information: Insurance Brochure – Property Damage Information.

Island Park – I want to book a picnic shelter at Island Park. What is the cost and who do I contact? Contact the Operations Department at 204-239-8346. There is no cost to book the shelter.

Land Purchase – Who do I talk to about purchase of City Land? City Manager at 204-239-8336 or

Land Survey – Where do I get a survey certificate? Please contact a Land Surveyor

I am moving. What do I need to do? The City needs to know if you move so we can change the name on the utility bill for the applicable property / properties to ensure the correct owner is receiving and paying for the correct bill. Please call 204-239-8370 to provide us with this information if you are moving. The property tax information should be taken care of by the lawyer involved with the sale of the property. The applicable property will be transferred into / out of your name once we receive the change from Portage la Prairie Land Titles. Garbage/recycling pick-up schedules are available at City Hall, various grocery stores around town, and online.

Renovations – I want to renovate my home or business. Do I need a permit? Portage la Prairie Planning District 204-239-8345.

Sidewalks – Who do I contact about damaged sidewalks? Call the Operations Department at 204-239-8346.

Trees – Who do I contact about a tree that overhangs my property or is damaged? If you believe it’s a tree owned by the City call the Operations Department at 204-239-8346. If it is a tree that belongs to your neighbour this is a matter between you and your neighbour. The City does not regulate the trimming of trees on private property. It is up to property owners to come to an agreement between themselves with respect to trees overhanging property lines. If you are unable to reach an agreement with your neighbour and want to determine your legal rights, you will need to contact a lawyer.

If you have a tree in direct contact with a power line, trimming it is no longer a do-it-yourself project. Call Manitoba Hydro at 1-888-624-9376 outside Winnipeg for assistance.

Weeds – Who do I contact about out of control weeds on a property? Contact Bylaw Enforcement at 204-239-8326.

Birth or Marriage Certificates – Vital Statistics – 204-945-3701 or toll free at 1-866-949-9296. The City has application forms but it is the responsibility of the person making application to complete and send the form to Vital Statistics with the required payment. Website:

Business Complaint – Better Business Bureau at

Business Start Assistance – I want to start a business but need assistance with my business plan, etc. – Portage Regional Economic Development (PRED) 1-204-856-5000 or or Community Futures Heartland Phone: 204-239-0135 Toll Free 1-877-472-7122 or Province of Manitoba or Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre 204-984-2272 / 1-800-665-2019

Canada Pension Plan – Where do I call for Canada Pension Plan? 1-800-277-9914

Emergency Housing – Does Portage la Prairie have emergency housing? This will depend on the emergency. There are some agencies that may have emergency housing such as Canadian Mental Health Association 204-239-6590 or Prairie Harbour (Domestic Violence Help) 204-239-5233. If it’s someone looking for general rental agencies look in the Portage Resource Guide

Employment Income – Where do I call for Employment Income? 1-800-645-5605 – Service Canada

Handi-Capped Parking Permit – Who do I contact about obtaining a handicapped parking permit? Contact the Manitoba Possible Parking Permit Program at Parking Permits – Disability Services — Manitoba Possible . Application forms are available at City Hall; however, it is the responsibility of the person making application to complete and send the form.

Marriage License – Mil-Jeanne Flowers & Axcenz at 106 Saskatchewan Ave E.

Manitoba Health Card – Where do I apply for one? The City has application forms at City Hall but it is the responsibility of the person making application to complete and send the form to Manitoba Health. For more information please contact Manitoba Health at 1-800-392-1207. You can also check out the Manitoba Health Website at:

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation – I need to put in a claim for damage done to my car, who do I call? Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation – 1-800-665-2410

Commissioner for Oaths / Notary Signature – The City does not provide this service.

Social Assistance/Employment and Income Assistance – Manitoba Government Employment and Income Assistance 204-239-3060 Toll Free 1-866-513-2185

Street Lights – Who do I contact about burnt out street lights? Manitoba Hydro, the local number is 204-857-6865 or submit a report at this link: Service Request (

Where do I apply for subdivision or consolidation of property? – Manitoba Local Government – Community & Regional Planning (in the Provincial Building) or call 204-239-3348.

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