What are the hours of operation for Animal Control?
There is animal control coverage from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday to Friday with someone on call after hours and on weekends. Should an emergency occur after hours please call the Animal Control / Bylaw Enforcement line at 204-239-8326. Someone will assess the situation and determine if the Animal Control Officer will be dispatched.
Where can I get a dog/cat license?
Dog/cat licenses can be applied for at City Hall, 97 Saskatchewan Avenue E or online at Pet License Application. A record of current vaccination from your vet will be required in order to obtain one.
Do I have to buy a dog/cat license?
Yes. As per the City of Portage la Prairie Animal Control By-Law, any dog older than six months that is being kept within City limits must have a City-issued license. Licensing fees are outlined in the Fees & Charges schedule on our Bylaws Page. Pet licenses may be obtained at City Hall or you can complete the Pet License Application online.
Who should I contact if I lose my pet?
You should phone the Portage la Prairie Animal Control Officer (ACO) at 204-239-8326 and let them know what your pet looks like. Pets should be licensed, and if possible tattooed for easy identification. Make sure your pet is wearing its license at all times. Pictures of animals currently in the Animal Retention Facility are posted on the City of Portage la Prairie Animal Control Website.
What should I do if I found a stray animal?
If you have found a lost pet, use our Pet Owner Search to find the pet's owner. Simply key in the pet's tag number. If the pet has a tattoo number, you can try that also. Click on the "Search" button to perform your search.
Who should I contact regarding a neighbor whose pet is defecating in my yard, rummaging through garbage, roaming freely, or barking excessively?
Your first step should be to talk to your neighbor. Politely explain how their pet's behavior is affecting you and try to resolve the issue directly. If the problem continues, report the situation to the Animal Control Officer by providing the neighbor's name, a description of the dog, and their home address, if known, at 204-239-8326.
My pet has been impounded. How do I get it back?
To reclaim your pet, contact the City of Portage la Prairie’s Animal Control Officer at 204-239-8326. You will need to provide proof of ownership and pay any outstanding penalties, fines, or fees related to your pet under the City’s Animal Control By-Law or for violations of this By-Law.
Can I visit the Animal Retention Facility to check if my pet is there?
To arrange a visit to the Animal Retention Facility, contact the Animal Control Officer at 204-239-8326. You can also view pictures of animals currently in the Animal Retention Facility on the City of Portage la Prairie Animal Control website by selecting the "dogs" or "cats" tab.
How long are animals held at the Animal Retention Facility? What happens next?
Animals are held for a three-day impoundment period. Following the impoundment period, animals are offered to an animal shelter or rescue organization like the Portage Animal Welfare Society (PAWS). Animals may also be offered for adoption directly from the City’s Animal Retention Facility.
Will unclaimed animals be euthanized?
Although Animal Control does everything possible to find suitable accommodations for unclaimed animals through adoption and shelter/rescue placement, there is the possibility that animals could be euthanized due to health, temperament, and/or lack of placement options.
What complaints will Animal Control Officers investigate?
Animal Control Officers typically investigate complaints related to excessive barking, dog bites or attacks, pets without a license, dogs or cats at large, failure to clean up pet defecation
How are pet-related complaints investigated?
Animal Control officers investigate complaints by interviewing witnesses, neighbors, complainants and pet owners. When possible, the officer also collects other evidence. Any investigation can result in a simple warning, a fine or mandatory court appearance.
When can an Animal Control Officer seize an animal?
Animal Control Officers can seize animals that are found at-large within the City of Portage la Prairie limits or that the Provincial Court has ordered them to seize them.
Who should I call if an animal is being abused?
Contact the Provincial Animal Care line if you suspect an Animal is…
- lacking adequate food and water
- exposed to extreme cold or heat
- not provided with suitable medical attention if wounded or ill
- confined in an area of insufficient space
- kept in unsanitary conditions
- confined without adequate ventilation
- not allowed an opportunity for sufficient exercise
- suffering, seriously injured or in extreme anxiety or distress
- An unlicensed breeding operation or kennel.
Phone Number: 204-945-8000 / Toll Free: 1-888-945-8001 / Monitored 7 days a week / E-mail: animalcare@gov.mb.ca. All reports are kept strictly confidential. The names of individuals who report animal welfare concerns will not be disclosed.
What are the possible fines for violating City of Portage la Prairie Bylaw? Common fines are:
- Excessive barking – $130 first offence $280 second offence $530 third offence (within 12 months of first and second offence)
- Owning an unlicensed pet – $130 first offence $280 second offence $530 third offence (within 12 months of first and second offence)
- Animal at large – $130 first offence $280 second offence $530 third offence (within 12 months of first and second offence)
- Failure to remove defecation – $130 first offence $280 second offence $530 third offence (within 12 months of first and second offence)
- Failure to control or leash dog -$130 first offence $280 second offence $530 third offence (within 12 months of first and second offence)
- Dog attack causing no injury – $130 first offence $280 second offence $530 third offence (within 12 months of first and second offence)
- Dog attack causing injury – $130 first offence $280 second offence $530 third offence (within 12 months of first and second offence)
Can I own a dangerous dog in City of Portage la Prairie?
Yes, as long as all bylaws are followed.
I have a skunk in my yard, who do I call?
Call Skunk Control at 204-239-8340
There are mice/rats in the yard, possibly coming from a neighbouring yard, who do I contact?
This is a Public Health issue. Contact the Public Health Inspector at 25 Tupper St N, or call 204-239-3740.