You no longer need to register your garage sale or get a garage sale license at City Hall. You are not to exceed the maximum of 2 garage sales per year, 3 days in length each. There is a $100 fine for exceeding these limits. All signs and advertising material must be removed within 24 hrs after completion of the sale. For signs and advertising not removed, there is a $20 per sign fine to the property owner.
Business License
Home occupations and trades not operating out of a commercially taxed premise located in Portage la Prairie are regulated by the City of Portage la Prairie and must meet the proper zoning requirements.
The cost of a Business License is outlined in the Permits & Licensing section of our Fees & Charges Schedule. The Fees & Charges Schedule is located on our By-Law webpage.
Garage Sale License
Local Vehicles for Hire
The Local Vehicle for Hire Act came into force on February 28, 2018. Local Vehicles for Hire are commonly called taxis, shuttles, limousines for hire or PTP (point to point vehicles) engaged through an application and governed by the City regulations specific to a ride sharing service. In response to this new legislation, the City of Portage la Prairie developed a Local Vehicles for Hire By-law.
Mobile Home License
Mobile homes are permitted in private mobile home parks. Each mobile home is subject to a monthly license fee based on size, age, and assessed value of the mobile home. Contact City Hall at (204) 239-8310 or email for more information.
Pet License
All dogs and cats over 6 months of age must be licensed annually. Proof of current rabies vaccination is required at the time of registration.
Contact Us
City Hall
97 Saskatchewan Ave E
Portage la Prairie, MB
R1N 0L8
Phone: 204-239-8309
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